
Gator Learning: Moving Beyond Bias

Why is inequality so widespread and persistent, even after the passage of civil rights laws five decades ago? How do individuals harbor discriminatory ideas without realizing it? How can we move beyond bias as we provide students, faculty, and staff with an environment in which everyone is valued and succeeds?

Join Dr. Kristin Anderson, Professor of Psychology at the Center for Critical Race Studies, for two Gator Learning workshops to learn how to see—and do something about—invisible forms of bias:

Gator Learning: Moving Beyond Bias – What is Systemic Inequality?

  • Friday, January 27, from 10:30a.m.-12:00p.m.
  • Explore what it means to view racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other forms of inequality from a systemic framework

Gator Learning: Moving Beyond Bias – What is Implicit Bias?

  • Friday, February 3, from 10:30a.m.-12:00p.m.
  • Explore the origin and consequences of individual prejudice with a focus on subtle forms of prejudice, and explore strategies for reducing prejudice

These sessions will be offered in OMB N600 as well as via Zoom, and you may choose to attend one or both of these sessions.

Faculty registration instructions

Email @UHD Talent Development with the following information:

  • First and last name
  • Department/College
  • Which session(s) you plan to attend
  • Whether you plan to attend in-person or via Zoom

Staff registration instructions

  • Click on the image below
  • Click the three horizontal lines in the top left of the window
  • Under CATALOG, check “All Staff Development Opportunities”
  • Under TYPE, check “Classroom”
  • Type “Moving Beyond Bias” into the SEARCH LEARNING LIBRARY search bar and press enter
  • Register for one or both of the sessions

Please contact the Talent Development team if you need assistance with registration.

Categories: Learning

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