Want to make a difference at UHD? Know someone that would be an asset to the UHD Staff Council Executive Committee? Nominate them or yourself for the upcoming 2016-17 term.
All benefits-eligible Staff Council members in good standing and with a minimum of 1-year tenure at UHD, with the exception of certain administrative staff (assistant and associate deans, deans, executive directors, assistant and associate vice presidents, vice presidents, and the University President) are eligible for Executive Committee nomination.
Nominated candidates must complete the Staff Council Executive Committee Nomination Form. All nominations are reviewed by ESO to ensure eligibility. Qualified candidates will be placed on the ballot for the election process, which is handled by the Staff Council Membership and Elections Committee.
Nominations are accepted until noon (CST) on Thursday, June 16. The slate of nominees will be announced on June 20. Online elections are June 6-17, 2016. Self-nominations are acceptable.
Open Staff Council Executive Committee Officer positions are as follows:
• President-Elect
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Communications Officer
• Five (5) Division Ambassadors and (5) Division Ambassador Alternates
(4) from Academic and Student Affairs
(2) from Administration and Finance
(2) from ESO
(2) from the President’s Office and Advancement/External Relations
Officers and Ambassadors serve for a single one-year term. President-Elect serves a two-year term: year one as President-Elect and year two as President.
Please return forms to Erica Morales in ESO S910 by noon June 16.