
Maintain a healthy balance between work and home life

Balancing work and your home life has never been easy, and the pandemic made it more complicated. Whether you’re back in the office or still working from home, remember this advice from the Military.com website for staying healthy and sane:


  • Goals. Make sure you’re focused on realistic, manageable job goals. Talk to your boss about their priorities, and discuss options so that your workload doesn’t become too much of a burden.
  • Breaks. Take regular breaks throughout the day. Get away from your desk and computer for a quick walk—outside, if possible. Stretch. Talk to co-workers about something other than the job.
  • Help. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Communicate with your boss and your team when you have a problem or hit a roadblock. Get the assistance and support you need to do a good job. Be honest to avoid surprises.
  • Perfection. Don’t be a perfectionist. Do the best you can, but learn to let go when a project is finished, even if you could do a little more on it. Most of the time what’s important is completing a task and moving on, not polishing every last detail.


  • Share. Divide up household responsibilities with a partner so neither one of you is taking care of all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and child care. Doing some of the chores helps keep you involved in the daily life of your family; not doing everything prevents you from burning out.
  • Downtime. You may be tempted to put in longer hours if you’re working from home, finishing up tasks after dinner and continuing late into the night. Resist the urge. Spend time away from your workspace with your family, partner, pet, or just outdoors and away from whatever reminds you of work. It’ll still be there tomorrow.
  • Technology. Don’t stare at screens all day. Get away from social media. Turn off your devices at a specific time every night and get back into the real world for a while. You’ll sleep better.
  • Self-care. Remember to eat a healthy diet with lots of water. Visit your doctor regularly. Get enough sleep. You’ll perform better at work and at home if you’re healthy.

Categories: Learning, News, Work/Life

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