
Staff Council nominations open

Would you like to make a difference on campus? Do you know someone that would be an asset to the Staff Council Membership Board?

The Staff Council Membership Board Nomination Process is now open! Nominations must be received by Monday, May 25th at 5 p.m.

Nominate someone or yourself for the upcoming 2020-2021 term today! Visit UHD’s Staff Council website to fill out a nomination form.

All benefits-eligible Staff Council members in good standing and with a minimum of 1-year tenure at UHD, with the exception of certain administrative staff (assistant and associate deans, deans, executive directors, assistant and associate vice presidents, vice presidents, and the University President) are eligible for Membership Board nomination. All nominations are reviewed by ESO to ensure eligibility. Qualified candidates will be placed on the ballot for the election process.

Open 2020-2021 Staff Council Executive Committee Positions are as follows:

Executive Committee (Executive Committee is eligible for a stipend- details can be found in the by laws.)

  • President-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Communications Officer

Division Ambassadors

  • Three (3) from Academic and Student Affairs
  • Three (3) from Administration and Finance
  • Two (2) from Employment Services & Operations
  • Two (2) from the President’s Office and Advancement and University Relations

Officers and Ambassadors serve for a single one-year term. The President-Elect serves a two-year term: year one as President-Elect and year two as President.

Please email all Staff Council Nomination Forms to by May 25th.

Categories: Managers, News, Your Pay

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