
Chili Cook-Off early bird team registration ends Friday, tickets on sale

One of UHD’s most loved traditions is back… UHD’s Annual Chili Cook-Off!

Team registration is now open! Registration closes on April 18. Teams can have up to five members. (The majority of members should be students, faculty, staff, alumni, or affiliated partners of the University.)

Chili Cook-off Team Registration Fee (Please submit completed registration packets and payments to Gladis Moya in Suite S910).

  • Entry Fee: $25

The Team Registration Packet is available online.

Contest categories include: Best Chili, People’s Choice Award and Best Décor/Tent.

Tasting tickets can be purchased online or at the Cashier’s Office (S310). Presale tickets are $6 and tickets at the door are $10.

UHD Employee Event Guidelines

  • Since cookoff team participation requires members to prepare several hours in advance, staff participating on teams do not have to take Vacation Leave between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. during this University-sponsored event.
  • Participating hourly employees should not punch out at 9 a.m. Instead, their managers or TRAM administrators will adjust their timesheets to show work until 5 p.m. If the hourly employee is scheduled to work beyond 5 p.m., they will need to take Vacation Leave for the remaining hours.
  • On April 22, at least one person must be on duty in each department until 5 p.m. to accept calls, receive visitors or transact business, as required by state law.
  • In addition, since this is a University function, alcohol may not be consumed before 5 p.m. If employees choose to drink alcohol before 5 p.m., they must take accrued Paid Leave (Vacation or Compensatory time).

For more information, please email

Chili Cook-Off Tickets on Sale Now HERE!



Categories: News, Work/Life

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