
Summer benefits open enrollment dates announced

Save the date! ERS announced UHD summer benefits open enrollment for Plan Year 2022-2023 starts June 27 and runs through July 9.

The open enrollment period is the only time UHD employees can make benefits changes without a qualifying life event. All enrollment changes made during this period become effective September 1, 2022.

Important information you should review in preparation for summer enrollment period.

One of the most important things employees can do to prepare for Summer Enrollment is to verify personal information. Log in to the ERS On-line account and verify name, mailing address, email address and other information is correct and up to date.

Employees can update their information at any time of the year but If they don’t do so by May 19, they may not get important benefits information from ERS and its third-party administrators - such as Personal Benefits Enrollment Statements (PBESes) and other Summer Enrollment material at their current addresses.

To update personal information:

    • Visit My Account Login on the ERS website.
    • If you have registered for an ERS On-line account, click “Proceed to Login.” If you do not have an account yet, click “Register Now” to create one.
    • After logging in to their account, the individual home page will come up.
    • Review personal information, including mailing address.
    • If you make any changes, double-check to make sure you entered them all correctly.

Categories: Benefits, News

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