Join UHD’s Staff Council on Wednesday, September 22 at 10 a.m. for their regular monthly meeting.
All UHD Staff are welcome to attend. Register HERE!
UHD Staff Council Membership
University staff members are automatically members of the Staff Council. Upon employment, all new staff will automatically be welcomed to the Staff Council body at the New Employee Orientation. Assistant and associate deans, deans, executive directors, assistant and associate vice presidents, vice presidents, the President, student workers and temporary employees are excluded from membership in the Staff Council.
The Staff Council represents the staff interests of the University and is responsible for the following:
- Nominating staff members to serve on University-wide committees
- Appointing staff to standing and ad hoc committees
- Preparing and submitting an annual executive report, including a financial summary, to the University leadership and posting it to the Staff Council website
- Coordinating annual Staff Council Membership Board elections
- Preparing and submitting to the President of the University proposals and position papers on staff concerns
- Making recommendations to appropriate University leadership about staff development programs on topics relative to staff
- Having one representative on the University Academic Affairs Council
- Providing collaboration on governance issues
- Conducting one general Staff Council meeting, at a minimum, each quarter