
Don’t Forget to Choose Your PCP

UHD employees who participate in HealthSelect are required to choose a Primary Care Provider (PCP) and let Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) know of your choice to receive in-network benefits.  You can change your PCP at any time and you and your covered dependents can have different PCPs.

Your PCP is usually your first point of contact for non-emergency care.  They are responsible for coordinating your care, making referrals to see specialists, and writing orders for lab and imaging services.

After your first 60 days in the plan, if you haven’t named a PCP, out-of-network costs apply to most services even if they are received from an in-network provider.  Out-of-network services cost more than in-network services, sometimes a lot more.

To choose a PCP, change your PCP, or for additional information and assistance visit HealthSelect/BlueCross BlueShield of Texas – Choose a Primary Care Provider or call a BCBSTX Personal Health Assistant at (800) 252-8039 (TTY: 711).

Categories: Benefits

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